Where chondrocytes are found?

Where chondrocytes are found?

Chondrocytes, or chondrocytes in lacunae, are cells found in cartilage connective tissue. They are the only cells located in cartilage. They produce and maintain the cartilage matrix, which is a type of lake in which the chondrocytes swim.

What is the function of a chondrocyte cartilage?

Chondrocytes are the cells responsible for cartilage formation, and they are crucial for the process of endochondral ossification, which is useful for bone development. Also, by mimicking skeletal development chondrocytes play a critical role in fracture repair.

Does a chondrocyte have a nucleus?

Note the numerous chondrocytes in this image, each located within lacunae and surrounded by the cartilage they have produced. These cells have relatively small nuclei and often demonstrate lipid droplets in their cytoplasm.

What cells make up fibrocartilage?

Fibrocartilage is a specialized form of connective tissue in which the ground substance is cartilage. The fibrous and cartilaginous components render this tissue extremely tough and resilient. The cell types found in this connective tissue include both fibroblasts/cytes and chondroblasts/cytes.

What is the function of fibrocartilage in the body?

Fibrocartilage provides the tough material of the intervertebral discs; the intraarticular cartilages of the knee, wrist and temporo-mandibular joints; the articular cartilage of the temporo-mandibular joint and of the joint between the clavicle and the sternum.

What is chondrocyte in cartilage?

Chondrocytes are the exclusive cells residing in cartilage and maintain the functionality of cartilage tissue. Series of biocomponents such as different growth factors, cytokines, and transcriptional factors regulate the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) differentiation to chondrocytes.

Is chondrocyte a cartilage cell?

Why are chondrocytes different from other types of cells?

Chondrocytes behave differently in different layers due to their position. The zonal differences in synthetic attributes can remain in the primary chondrocyte cultures. The primary cilia are important for spatial organization of cells in the developing growth plate which are sensory organelles in chondrocytes.

Where are chondrocytes found in the lacunae?

Chondrocytes, or chondrocytes in lacunae, are cells found in cartilage connective tissue. The number of chondrocytes found in cartilage determines how ‘bendy’ the cartilage is.

What are the primary cilia in chondrocytes?

The primary cilia are important for spatial organization of cells in the developing growth plate which are sensory organelles in chondrocytes. These primary cilia serve as centre for hedgehog signalling, wingless type and comprise mechanosensitive receptors.

How are prechondrocytes formed in a Chondroblast?

Prechondrocytes are developed from mesenchymal cells that are the future chondroblasts. These structures in turn release extracellular matrix and collagenous fibrils. As a result, the elastic and collagenous fibres are accumulated in the intercellular matrix. The matrix hence formed conduces cartilaginous typecast.