What was the result of Sepoy Mutiny?

What was the result of Sepoy Mutiny?

The immediate result of the mutiny was a general housecleaning of the Indian administration. The East India Company was abolished in favour of the direct rule of India by the British government.

What were the economic and political causes of the revolt of 1857?

Economic Causes: the high revenue demand and the strict policies adopted by the colonial government for the collection of taxes adversely affected the peasants and other section of Indian society. The machine made goods from Britain ruined the local artisans and craftsmen.

Which factors led to the resentment against the British rule?

The major factors responsible for the people’s resentment and uprisings against the Company rule are as follows. Colonial land revenue settlements, heavy burden of new taxes, eviction of peasants from their lands, and encroachments on tribal lands.

What is the main cause of revolt of 1857?

Immediate Reason of Revolt of 1857. The immediate factor was the introduction of the ‘Enfield’ rifle. The cartridge had to be bitten off before loading it into the gun. Indian sepoys believed that the cartridge was greased with either pig fat or made from cow fat.

What was the impact of the revolt on the political scenario of our nation?

It united though in limited way many sections of Indian society including political socities for a common cause. Though the revolt failed to achieve the desired goal it sowed the seeds of Indian Nationalism and political parties joined their hands and came together as Indians.

What was the worst effect of the revolt of 1857?

On the other hand, the manner in which the Revolt of 1857 was crushed by the British and the ruthlessness in which the sepoys were treated left a deep sense of hatred among the Indians against the British. The British also massacred thousands of civilian population every where in the country.

What are the political causes of the First War of Independence?

Following are three important causes for the First War of Independence:

  • Doctrine of Lapse: Lord Dalhousie successfully annexed many Indian states to the English East India Company.
  • Policy of Expansion – The British authorities annexed many independent Indian states on one pretext or the other.

What are the main causes of Sepoy Mutiny?

The mutiny broke out in the Bengal army because it was only in the military sphere that Indians were organized. The pretext for revolt was the introduction of the new Enfield rifle. To load it, the sepoys had to bite off the ends of lubricated cartridges.

What was the most fundamental weakness of the revolt of 1857?

The basic weakness was shortage of modern weapons and other materials of war. The organisation was poor and lacked unity of command and discipline.

What were the consequences of revolt 1857?

Even so, the rebellion proved to be an important watershed in Indian and British Empire history. It led to the dissolution of the East India Company, and forced the British to reorganize the army, the financial system, and the administration in India, through passage of the Government of India Act 1858.

What were 3 causes of the Sepoy Mutiny?

Historians have identified diverse political, economic, military, religious and social causes of the Indian Rebellion of 1857. An uprising in several sepoy companies of the Bengal army was sparked by the issue of new gunpowder cartridges for the Enfield rifle in February 1857.

What were the political causes of the First War of Independence?

The fear of the native rulers that their states would be taken over by the English, the resentment of the people of the annexed states and the occasional disrespect shown to Bahadur Shah, the Mughal emperor by the English constituted the political causes.

What were the immediate causes of French Revolution Class 9?

What was the immediate cause of the french revolution?

  • unfair distribution of taxes.
  • unfair voting system… members of third estate want that assembly should be conducted as assembly vote should be taken as each member should have one vote.
  • storming of bastille by agitated crowd.
  • population rose from 13 million to 28 milllion hence scarcity of food .

What was the immediate cause of the First World War of Independence?

The immediate cause was the introduction of Enfield rifles. There was a rumor that the cartridges to be used for the rifles were greased with the fat of cows and pigs. This sparked off the Mutiny.

What are the economic causes of First War of Independence?

Economic Causes of 1857 Revolt

  • Destruction of Agriculture. Under the British rule, there was a severe deterioration of the condition of Indian agriculture.
  • Permanent Settlement System.
  • Resentment Among Zamindars.
  • Heavy Taxation.
  • Destruction of Traditional Industries.
  • Destruction of Trade.
  • Protectionist Policies.
  • Conclusion.

What was the immediate cause of the Sepoy Mutiny and why?

The immediate cause of the Indian Revolt of 1857 was a seemingly minor change in the weapons used by the British East India Company’s troops. The East India Company upgraded to the new Pattern 1853 Enfield rifle, which used greased paper cartridges.

What was the political causes of revolt of 1857?

The main political cause for the great revolt of 1857 was the policy of Doctrine of Lapse. It was an annexation policy purportedly used by Lord Dalhousie as per which any princely state or territory under the British East India Company would automatically be annexed if the ruler died without a male heir.

What was the most positive outcome of the revolt of 1857?

The most significant result of the uprising of 1857 was the end of the rule of the East India Company and assumption of the Government of India directly by the Crown. This was done by the Government of India Act of 1858.

What were the economic cause of revolt 1857?

The most important cause of popular discontent was the British policy of economically exploiting India. Artisans and craftsmen were ruined by the large-scale influx of cheap British manufactured goods into India which, in turn, made their hand-made goods uneconomical to produce.

What is the difference between underlying and immediate cause?

The first cause — the initial cause that put the others in motion — is called the underlying cause. The last cause — the final cause that resulted in some effect — is called the immediate cause. Underlying causes and immediate causes are also known as “ultimate” causes and “proximate” causes, respectively.

What were the outcomes of the revolt?

The Revolt was suppressed. Sheer courage could not win against a powerful and determined enemy who planned its every step.

What was the immediate cause?

The final act in a series of provocations leading to a particular result or event, directly producing such result without the intervention of any further provocation.