What is the abbreviation of RBC?

What is the abbreviation of RBC?

red blood cells
RBC: Short for red blood cells, the cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide through the blood. This rather remarkable feat is thanks to hemoglobin, the pigment that makes red cells (and blood) look red. The red blood cells are also known as red corpuscles or erythrocytes (literally, red hollow vessels).

What does it mean when RBC are high?

A high RBC count may be a result of sleep apnea, pulmonary fibrosis, and other conditions that cause low oxygen levels in the blood. Performance-enhancing drugs like protein injections and anabolic steroids can also increase RBCs. Kidney disease and kidney cancers can lead to high RBC counts as well.

What is a normal RBC?

Women usually have a lower RBC count than men, and the level of red blood cells tends to decrease with age. A normal RBC count would be: men – 4.7 to 6.1 million cells per microlitre (cells/mcL) women – 4.2 to 5.4 million cells/mcL.

What is the function of RBC?

Red blood cells, also known as erythrocytes, deliver oxygen to the tissues in your body. Oxygen turns into energy and your tissues release carbon dioxide. Your red blood cells also transport carbon dioxide to your lungs for you to exhale.

What is hemoglobin abbreviation?

Hemoglobin (often abbreviated as Hb or Hgb) is the oxygen-carrying component of red blood cells.

What does RBC mean in medical dictionary?

Your red blood cell count (RBC) is the number of red blood cells you have. These are important because they deliver oxygen through your body. They also help take carbon dioxide away from cells. If your RBC count is too low, you may have anemia or another condition. (If you have anemia, your blood has fewer red blood cells than normal.)

What is the medical definition of RBC?

Medical Definition of RBC. RBC: Short for red blood cells, the cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide through the blood. This rather remarkable feat is thanks to hemoglobin, the pigment that makes red cells (and blood) look red.

What does the name RBC mean?

RBC, which is very important in medical literature, means red blood cells in the language that we understand. In other words, RBC, which is tested in blood tests, actually means red blood cell count. This process is very important for the health of individuals.

What is the normal range for RBC?

Normal RBC ranges are: Male: 4.7 to 6.1 million cells per microliter (cells/mcL) Female: 4.2 to 5.4 million cells/mcL.