What is Rhizoma Dioscoreae used for?

What is Rhizoma Dioscoreae used for?

Rhizoma Dioscoreae Nipponicae (RDN) is a widely used traditional Chinese herb, which is used to treat arthroncus, arthrodynia and arthritis. As is known to us, inflammatory mechanisms have played an important role in the occurrence, course and prognosis of gouty arthritis (GA).

What is Shan Yao used for?

Other names for Chinese yam are cinnamon vine, and shan yao. Chinese yam is used in Chinese herbal medicine, traditionally to treat disorders related to the stomach, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. The roots of Chinese yam contain diosgenin, which can be used to produce steroids such as estrogen and progesterone in a lab.

What is wild yam root good for?

Potential medicinal uses for wild yam include the treatment of menopause symptoms, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and muscular cramps. There are various other names for wild yam, such as colic root, devil’s bones, rheumatism root, or China root. While there are over 600 species of wild yam, only 12 are edible.

Is Chinese yam the same as burdock root?

Burdock Root or Chinese Yam Root (Huai Shan)? I think I’ve made a mistake previously to assume Burdock root (牛蒡) = Chinese Yam (Huai Shan 淮山). The findings told me: Not exactly are. Burdock root is usually used to harness it’s health benefits with Chinese Yam root, despite the fact that they have similar appearance.

What is rhizome Dioscoreae?

Dioscoreae rhizome or Shanyao is a Chinese medicinal herb that is routinely used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus (DM). Furthermore, experimental studies on the prevention and treatment of DM by Shanyao in English- and Chinese-language databases were identified.

Can you eat dried Chinese yam?

You can eat it raw, bake it or boil it. It also works like other yams and can be mashed or fried. The most common way to eat yams in China is in a nourishing soup.

Why would a woman take progesterone?

Women commonly take progesterone to help restart menstrual periods that unexpectedly stopped (amenorrhea), treat abnormal uterine bleeding associated with hormonal imbalance, and treat severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

What are the side effects of burdock root?

Stay on the safe side and avoid use. Bleeding disorders: Burdock might slow blood clotting. Taking burdock might increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders. Allergy to ragweed and related plants: Burdock may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae family.