What is my live weight based on hanging weight?

What is my live weight based on hanging weight?


  1. LIVE WEIGHT: 1250 pounds. a. This is the estimation of the final finished weight on our beef. Also called “on the hoof”.
  2. HANGING WEIGHT: 750 pounds. a. hanging weight = live weight X 60%. So 1250lbs. X 60%=750lbs. a.

How much meat do you get from hanging weight beef?

You shouldn’t buy beef by hanging weight. (Quick definition: hanging weight is the weight of the cow carcass after initial slaughter and processing. It’s the weight of the carcass after the hide, head and some organs have been removed. The actual meat you will receive is typically 60% +/- of the hanging weight.)

How much meat do you get from a 1200 pound cow?

So, in other words, you start with a 1200 pound steer, which has a dressing percent of 63%, so that you have a 750 pound carcass. From that you will get about 65% of the carcass weight, or roughly 490 pounds, as boneless, trimmed beef.

What is the difference between live animal weight and carcass weight?

The amount of meat that is cut and wrapped for consumption will be much less than the live animal weight. A 1200-pound beef animal will yield a hot carcass weight of approximately 750 pounds. Once cooled, the carcass weight will be approximately 730 pounds.

Do butchers charge by hanging weight?

Also, the butchers charge a “kill charge” which is the fee to slaughter, gut, and skin the animal to get it down to hanging weight. For example, a 1200 lb live weight steer will have a hanging weight about 60-65% of it’s live weight or around 780lb hanging weight.

What is a good price for hanging weight beef?

When it comes to beef price per pound, expect to pay $4.45 – $6 per pound (hanging weight).

Does hanging weight include bones?

Hanging weight is how much the animal weighs “on the hook”, or after it’s been slaughtered, skinned, the guts removed, the head removed and front and rear fetlocks removed. In short, hanging weight is mostly meat, but still includes a whole lot of bones you can’t do much with.

What size freezer do I need for a whole cow?

16 cubic feet
How much freezer space will my beef take? For a quarter share (85 pounds of meat), you’ll want to have 4 cubic feet. And for a Side (half), around 8 cubic feet. A whole cow will need 16 cubic feet.

What is the difference between hanging weight and on the hoof?

The weight difference from live to hanging is from loss of blood, head, hide, hooves, viscera, lungs and heart. The hanging weight is usually about 60% of the live weight. So, a 1200 lb animal would have a hanging weight of 720 lbs (estimated). (A half share would then be 360 lbs, and a 1/4 would be 180 lbs).

Is buying a whole cow worth it?

4. Pay an average of $7 per pound for expensive cuts of meat like filet mignon (that’s $14.42 per pound in savings!). While ground beef prices are in the same ballpark as grocery store prices, cuts like steaks and roasts offer big savings when you buy a cow.

What’s the difference between live and hanging beef?

When it comes to beef weights, there are 3 different ones of which customers should be aware. The first is “live” weight. This is what the animal weighs on the hoof alive. The live weight of our steers usually averages around 1,000 lbs. The next weight is “hanging” weight.

What’s the difference between the hang weight and the final weight?

Most hanging weights are going to be 60% – 65% of live weight. However, based on your cutting instructions (bone-in or deboned and how much fat is trimmed) the final weight (or take home weight) is going to be less than the hanging weight.

When do you subtract live weight from hanging weight?

Hanging weight is just after the animal has been butchered and it’s “hanging” on the rail. At that point, you subtract the hide, head, blood mass, the internal organs, and typically the leg below the front knee and hind hock joint. The weight loss between live and hanging weight varies- partly by breed.

What’s the difference between a live pig and a hanging pig?

Ours was 400 Live weight with a hanging weight of 294lbs – that is about 74% of the live weight. If your pig was 250 live, hanging 200, that would be about 80% – so I’m thinking your live weight was higher than 250 – but I don’t know that there is a sure way to tell.