What is a topic sentence claim?

What is a topic sentence claim?

Whereas a thesis statement expresses the central argument or claim of a paper, a topic sentence begins each body paragraph with a point in support of this larger thesis. Topic sentences provide an essay with structure and organization by breaking break down the thesis argument into a series of smaller claims.

Does In addition to mean including?

4 Answers. “Addition” is the noun form of “add”, as in 2+2=4, or in a non-mathematical sense, to combine two or more things in some way. So “in addition to” means to add one thing to another, that is, to have or use both.

What is in addition to grammar?

In addition (a preposition) and additionally (an adverb) are connective words that add information in one clause to the information in the next clause. The word(s) are separated by a comma. Also¹ (a focusing adverb) can be placed before a clause or before other elements in the clause.

How do you use in addition?

We use “In addition to” followed by a noun / pronoun or V ing. In addition to basketball, I’m good at volleyball. Fernando can speak English and French in addition to Spanish. Our music teacher is such a talented musician that she can play the guitar, the violin in addition to Saxophone.