Should I marry Elise in Fable 3?

Should I marry Elise in Fable 3?

If you choose to tell her to come back to you, she will tell Laszlo she loves him, but after three in-game days, she appears outside the orphanage/brothel, in the quest “A Lost Romance”, in which you must marry her. It doesn’t affect on gameplay, except that she will be your wife.

How do I marry Elise?

You can either fast travel or run to meet Elise/Elliot outside the Orphanage where she/he will imply that you should propose. If you already have a ring then you can propose to them right there; if you don’t they will say that you need one and the quest line will remain active until you propose “properly”.

Who does the voices in Fable 3?

The game includes voice acting by Ben Kingsley (Sabine), Stephen Fry (Reaver), Simon Pegg (Ben Finn), Naomie Harris (Page), Michael Fassbender (Logan), ZoĆ« Wanamaker (Theresa), Bernard Hill (Sir Walter Beck), Nicholas Hoult (Elliot), John Cleese (Jasper), Jonathan Ross (Barry Hatch), Kellie Bright (Hero of Brightwall …

Can I marry page in Fable 3?

Fable III. The biggest change in Fable III is the ability to marry a co-op partner, you and your new spouse will have joint access to your gold. To get married in Fable III you will have to propose and select a house you own from your map.

What happens if you marry Elliot?

Fourteen Hearts Like all marriage candidates, once you’ve successfully romanced Elliott and married him, you’ll unlock a new cutscene when the two of you reach 14 hearts together. We won’t spoil it for you here, though!

Who voiced Logan in Fable 3?

Michael Fassbender
Michael Fassbender was Logan in Fable III.

How many wives can you have in Fable 3?

The only restriction is you can only have one spouse per property you own in a city. That said, if you have more than one marriage in the same city, all spouses you have in that city will be quickly looking for a divorce.

Is Elliot good to marry?

If you like being spoiled by your partner and not put off by the overly romantic dialogue being part of your everyday life, then you will love Elliott. He has a love for being classically romantic, and that’s just what will set him apart from the other partners in town after you marry him.

Should I marry Elliott Stardew Valley?

Elliott’s schedule will change depending on whether you have six or more hearts with his friend Leah. Luckily, Elliott has a pretty easy-to-follow schedule as he usually doesn’t wander too far from his cabin….Spring.

When Where
5 p.m. to 11:40 p.m. Stardrop Saloon
11:40 p.m. Heading home from the Saloon