Is Ribena discontinued?

Is Ribena discontinued?

A sparkling version released in 2011 but discontinued in 2014. It was brought back to supermarket shelves in 2020, launching in two flavours, blackcurrant and raspberry.

What countries sell Ribena?

Currently, the Ribena website only ships to addresses in the UK and Northern Ireland.

Is Ribena a healthy drink?

Healthy? No. Drinking this 500ml bottle of Ribena gives you 60 per cent of your daily amount of sugar in one hit. As sugary as a can of Coke, and with almost 100 more calories to boot, you’d do yourself a favour by choosing a less sugary option.

Why is Ribena bad for you?

It turns out that Ribena is one of the worst acidity offenders, which can have a knock on effect on your teeth. Acidic drinks can break down the protective enamel on your teeth and lead to cavities. Experts measured the acidity of a range of popular drinks by testing their pH level.

Is Ribena illegal in America?

As of June 2020, bans remain in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Virginia and West Virginia – it is also banned in parts of Michigan, and Ohio bans only non-immune varieties.

Who owns Ribena?

The Lucozade and Ribena drinks brands have been sold by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to Japanese firm Suntory for £1.35bn. Suntory already owns beverage firm Orangina Schweppes, and the deal is expected to help it expand into new markets.

Is there Ribena in USA?

No other drink tastes as good hot, chilled, and frozen. It’s basically the taste of all British childhoods. Americans will probably never get to enjoy a simple Ribena, maybe because blackcurrant harvesting was banned in the US until 2003 to prevent the spread of pine disease.

Why is blackcurrant illegal?

The nutrient-rich berries were banned in 1911 because they were thought to produce a fungus that could damage pine trees. As new disease-resistant berries were produced and new ways to prevent the fungus from damaging timber were developed, some states started to lift the ban in 2003.

Is blueberry and blackcurrant same?

Berries. Blackcurrants are a dark purple colour and have a shiny skin. Blueberries on the other hand have a duller, more dusty skin and are lighter and bluer. Blueberries are also generally larger than their blackcurrant relatives.