How much does Sitecore Certification cost?

How much does Sitecore Certification cost?

The Sitecore Professional Developer Certification Exam costs $300….Pricing.

Course Price
Sitecore Web Experience Management eLearning course $500

Where can I learn Sitecore?

Official Sitecore learning website

  • Official Sitecore learning website.
  • Learning@Sitecore (
  • Official Sitecore developer documentation.
  • Developers documentation (
  • Helix documentation (
  • JSS Getting Started (
  • Knowledge Base (

How do I get certified in Sitecore?

We recommend you meet the following prerequisites to take the Sitecore 10 . NET Developer Certification Exam: At least one-year of prior experience developing on the Sitecore XP solution. Complete Learning@Sitecore’s Developer’s Fundamentals 9.3 Collection.

How can I get started learning Sitecore?

Online Training/E-Learning

  1. Official Sitecore learning website.
  2. Learning@Sitecore (
  3. Official Sitecore developer documentation.
  4. Developers documentation (
  5. Helix documentation (
  6. JSS Getting Started (
  7. Knowledge Base (

Is sitecore a headless CMS?

Using front-end frameworks like open source, JavaScript-based Angular and React, they can build rich applications quickly that leverage content without having to integrate all CMS features and capabilities. …

Why Sitecore is the best CMS?

Better Digital Marketing Strategies Sitecore is a tool that can provide great content marketing strategies for marketing agencies. This is something that most of the software can’t provide and the ones that provide are not that efficient. This is something that Sitecore CMS development has made possible.