How is family defined in taxonomy?

How is family defined in taxonomy?

noun, plural: families. (1) A taxonomic rank in the classification of organisms between genus and order. (2) A taxonomic group of one or more genera, especially sharing a common attribute. (3) A collection of things or entities grouped by their common attributes, e.g. protein family, gene family, etc.

What is family according to scholars?

‘Family is a group of persons united by ties of marriage, blood or adoption constituting a single household interacting and inter-communicating with each other in their respective social roles of husband and wife, father and mother, son and daughter, brother and sister, creating a common culture. ‘ – Burgess and Locke.

What is family in biology class 11?

Family is a taxonomic group containing one or more related genera. In plants, families are categorized on the basis of vegetative and reproductive features. (iv) Order. Order is a taxonomic group containing one or more families. For example, the order, carnivore, includes many families.

What makes a family a ” family ” in the Dictionary?

This definition broad- ens the scope by counting as “family” people who do not live together, but are related biologically or through legal contracts. Yet, though this definition is more inclusive, some would contend it still excludes some arrangements that many might recognize as legitimate families.

Where did the word family come from in zoology?

In zoology, the family as a rank intermediate between order and genus was introduced by Pierre André Latreille in his Précis des caractères génériques des insectes, disposés dans un ordre naturel (1796). He used families (some of them were not named) in some but not in all his orders of “insects” (which then included all arthropods ).

Which is a structural definition of a family?

Structural definitions of the family characteristically define the characteristics of family members such as those who share a place of residence, or who are related through blood ties or legal contracts.

Which is the official definition of a family unit?

Family Unit: “Family unit” is not an official U.S. Census Bureau term, although it has been used in the poverty guidelines Federal Register notice since 1978. As used here, either an unrelated individual or a family (as defined above) constitutes a family unit.