How do you get from Bangkok to Siem Reap by bus?

How do you get from Bangkok to Siem Reap by bus?

You have two bus options. You can travel by bus to Aranyaprathet, the town on the border, then switch to another bus once you’re through with the immigration processes. But you can book a DIRECT bus. DIRECT BUSES are those that would take you from Bangkok to Siem Reap without switching vehicles in 9 hours.

How much is bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap?

How much does a bus ticket from Bangkok to Siem Reap cost? The average bus ticket price from Bangkok to Siem Reap is $25. The best way to find cheap bus tickets from Bangkok to Siem Reap is to book your tickets as early as possible.

Is there a train from Bangkok to Siem Reap?

1 Bangkok (Thailand) – Siem Reap (Cambodia) There is no passenger train connection between these two countries. There are daily direct bus connections from Bangkok (Thailand) to Siem Reap (Cambodia) with a journey time of about 9 hours.

How much is the bus fare from Bangkok to Cambodia?

Travel by bus from Bangkok to Cambodia takes 11 hours and costs from $24. Flights are more expensive (from $77), however this travel option is quite fast – it takes just 1 hour 10 minutes. Booking a private transfer will cost $185, the duration of such a trip is 8 hours.

How much is the train from Bangkok to Siem Reap?

The cheapest way to get from Bangkok to Siem Reap is to take a train, tickets to which cost on average 28 USD and travel time is 9 hours.

How long is bus from Ho Chi Minh to Siem Reap?

about 12-20 hours
How long does it take from Ho Chi Minh City to Siem Reap? Travel by bus/minivan from Ho Chi Minh City to Siem Reap takes about 12-20 hours.

Is 3 days in Siem Reap enough?

How Long to Stay in Siem Reap. Well, since this is a 3 days itinerary travel guide, I would say 3 days is good enough to see plenty of temples while having one day to relax at your own leisure. This will also allow us to pass by with only 1-day Angkor Pass instead of 3-days one.

How long is the bus ride from Bangkok to Siem Reap?

2. From Bangkok to Siem Reap by Bus. Buses leave from Bangkok’s Mo Chit station twice a day and reach the Cambodian border in about 3.5 hours.