How do you cite pharmacy guidelines?

How do you cite pharmacy guidelines?

General Guidelines:

  1. List references as superscripts at the end of sentences or phrases.
  2. List author names with the author’s last name followed by initials, no periods.
  3. Retain the spelling, abbreviations, and style for numbers used in the original article title, book title, parts of book, or other material.

What citation style is used in pharmacy?

The School of Pharmacy recommend two different styles of referencing depending on the type of assignment: Harvard (a name-date style) and Vancouver (a numbered style).

How do you cite drug information?

A drug information database should be cited as follows: Drug Name. In: Database title [database on the Internet]. Publication city (publication state or country): Publisher.

How do you cite a pharmacist letter?

For Pharmacist’s Letter articles, use the following format: Project Leader(s). Title of Detail-Document. Pharmacist’s Letter year month. Detail No.: (insert number) [Electronic version].

How do you cite Pharmacy Times?

The IS0 4 standard abbreviation of Pharmacy Times is Pharm. Times. This abbreviation (‘Pharm.

Do you have to reference the original source?

You should always try to read and cite the original work (the primary source). If it is not possible to do this, you have to cite the original as contained in the secondary source. Your in-text citation should include both authors: the author(s) of the original source and the author(s) of the secondary source.

How do you cite drugs from UpToDate?


  1. Author – Since drug information is provided by a company rather than associated with any individual authors, use the name of the drug company (e.g. Lexicomp) as a group author.
  2. Date – Since there is no specific date of publication listed, use n.d. for “no date.”

How do you cite a prescribing information in AMA?

Package inserts and prescribing information Name of drug. Type of material. Company Name; year of publication. To indicate online access, add the accessed date and URL.

How do you cite a prescription letter?

Citation Data

  1. MLA. Prescriber’s Letter. Stockton, CA :Therapeutic Research Center, 1994.
  2. APA. Prescriber’s letter. ( 1994). Stockton, CA :Therapeutic Research Center,
  3. Chicago. “Prescriber’s Letter.” Stockton, CA :Therapeutic Research Center, 1994.