How do you cite if there are a lot of authors?

How do you cite if there are a lot of authors?

Multiple Authors2 Authors: Always cite both authors’ names in-text everytime you reference them. Example: Johnson and Smith (2009) found…6 or More Authors: If a document has six or more authors, simply provide the last name of the first author with “et al.” from the first citation to the last. Example: Thomas et al.

When Should et al be used?

In subsequent citations, only use the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” in the signal phrase or in parentheses. In et al., et should not be followed by a period. Six or More Authors: Use the first author’s name followed by et al. in the signal phrase or in parentheses.

How do you pronounce et?

‘In French ‘and’ is very easy and simple to remember: the word is et and it is phonetically pronounced eh. Don’t ever pronounce the ‘t’. There is something called liaison in French where a silent letter at the end of a word is sometimes pronounced to link it to the next word.