How do I find a midwife in New Zealand?

How do I find a midwife in New Zealand?

  1. Call Healthline on 0800 611 116 for health advice. Call PlunketLine on 0800 933 922 for parenting advice.
  2. You choose who provides your maternity care. The Find Your Midwife website helps you to find the right midwife for you.​
  3. You might also be interested in… Common complaints during pregnancy.

How do I find a midwife in my area?

Some obstetric/gynecologic practices have a midwife (or midwives) on staff. If yours doesn’t, you can find a midwife in your area by contacting the American College of Nurse-Midwives. Make sure the midwife you choose is certified and licensed to practice in your state.

Can’t find a midwife NZ?

If you are unable to find an LMC midwife you can be looked after by the Community Midwifery Team (CMT) at Wellington Hospital. To get a referral please fill out the form below or if needed leave a message on 0800 Find MW (0800 346 369).

How do I find a midwife when pregnant?

As soon as you find out you are pregnant, contact a GP or midwife and they will help you book your first appointment. Your first midwife appointment (also called the booking appointment) should happen before you’re 10 weeks pregnant. This is because you’ll be offered some tests that should be done before 10 weeks.

Can I call my midwife anytime?

When can I call my midwife? You should be able to call a midwife 24 hours a day. Your midwife will give you the contact details. It may not be a midwife you know, but there will always be someone on call.

When should I find a midwife NZ?

Your midwife or specialist doctor will support you from when you first see them until your baby is around 6 weeks old. It’s important that you choose someone you feel comfortable with. See the Choosing a midwife or specialist doctor page for a list of questions that you can ask before you choose.

What to do if you cant get a midwife?

If you have not heard from us or another midwifery practice by 10-12 weeks gestation, please make alternate plans for prenatal care with another primary care provider. If you do not have a primary care provider, you can contact Health Link Alberta by dialing 811.

How do I find a midwife for home birth?

How to Find a Midwife for a Home Birth

  1. Choose a couple of websites that stand out to you. Once you’ve gotten the Google results that are what you’re looking for, start looking through the websites.
  2. 3, Set up consultations and listen to your instincts!
  3. Start care when you’re ready.