What are erosions on the skin?
Skin erosion: Skin erosion is a loss of some or all of the epidermis (the outer layer) leaving a denuded surface. Erosion is an eating away of a surface. The word “erosion” comes from the Latin “erodere” meaning to eat out.
What is an example of skin erosion?
Erosions resemble excoriations, except that the depressed area is moist and glistening. They follow a vesicular rupture. An example of this type of lesion occurs with varicella. Ulcers are also concave, exudative, and variable in size.
What is difference between ulceration and erosion?
Ulcers are characterized by segmental or more extensive loss of the epidermis, including the basement membrane, with exposure of the underlying dermis. Erosion is characterized by the partial loss of the epithelium, with the basement membrane left intact.
What is the term for linear erosion of the skin?
An excoriation is a linear erosion caused by scratching, rubbing, or picking. Ulcers result from loss of the epidermis and at least part of the dermis.
What are tertiary lesions?
Tertiary (ie, late) lesions are caused by obliterative small vessel endarteritis, which usually involves the vasa vasorum of the CNS. Factors that determine the development and progression of tertiary disease are not known.
What are mucosal erosions?
Erosive gastritis is gastric mucosal erosion caused by damage to mucosal defenses. It is typically acute, manifesting with bleeding, but may be subacute or chronic with few or no symptoms. Diagnosis is by endoscopy. Treatment is supportive, with removal of the inciting cause and initiation of acid-suppressant therapy.
What is a Macule skin lesion?
Macules are flat, nonpalpable lesions usually < 10 mm in diameter. Macules represent a change in color and are not raised or depressed compared to the skin surface. A patch is a large macule.
What is ichthyosis vulgaris and xerosis?
Ichthyosis vulgaris is a type of ichthyosis, a group of related skin conditions that interfere with the skin’s ability to shed dead skin cells, causing extremely dry, thick skin. Extremely dry, scaly skin is known as xerosis.