Which year has had the highest recorded Antarctic sea ice?

Which year has had the highest recorded Antarctic sea ice?

Key Points

  • Antarctic sea ice extent in September and February increased slightly over much of the period shown in Figure 1, but decreased in the last few years.
  • The September maximum extent reached the highest level on record in 2014 and reached the lowest level on record in 2018.

What is the maximum thickness of ice in Antarctica?

4,776 m
The mean thickness of the Antarctic ice sheet is 2.16 km. The maximum known thickness of the ice sheet is 4,776 m in Terre Adélie. Without the its ice, Antarctica may be the lowest lying continent.

Where is Antarctic ice the thickest?

Most of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is grounded below sea level, in places over 1.5 miles below sea level. These two ice sheets cover all but 2.4 percent of Antarctica’s 14 million square kilometers. At its thickest point the ice sheet is 4,776 meters deep.

Which has more ice Arctic or Antarctic?

Antarctica has younger, thinner ice On average, about 40 percent of the Arctic Ocean’s winter ice cover remains at the summer minimum. In the Southern Ocean, only about 15 percent remains at the end of summer. Most of Antarctica’s sea ice is only one winter old at most.

What is the difference between the Artic and Antartic?

The primary difference between the Arctic and Antarctica is geographical. The Arctic is an ocean, covered by a thin layer of perennial sea ice and surrounded by land. Antarctica, on the other hand, is a continent, covered by a very thick ice cap and surrounded by a rim of sea ice and the Southern Ocean.

How much of Antarctica is below sea level?

In terms of area: 5.50 x 10^6 km^2 (or 5,500,000 km^2) of ice is grounded below sea level. The total area of the ice sheet is 12.295 x 10^6 km^2 (or 12,295,000 km^2). Therefore, ~45% of the ice sheet is grounded below sea level.

How old is Antarctic ice cover?

about 800,000 years old
The oldest penetrated Antarctic ice is about 800,000 years old.