Who is at the Rainbow Inn when Silas Marner arrives?

Who is at the Rainbow Inn when Silas Marner arrives?

At this point, Silas just wants to recover his gold. So, he makes his way to the Rainbow. Silas means to present his case to either the clergyman, the constable, or Squire Cass. To Silas, these are the three most influential and powerful men in Raveloe.

Who was the greatest man in Raveloe?

Squire Cass

What is the rainbow in Silas Marner?

The Rainbow, in Marner’s view, was a place of luxurious resort for rich and stout husbands, whose wives had superfluous stores of lines; it was the place where he was likely to find the powers and dignities of Raveloe, and where he could most speedily make his loss public.

Why did Silas leave lantern?

Silas Marner leaves his original home in Lantern Yard because the leaders in his church accuse him of stealing from one of the church’s recently departed deacons. Silas was sitting by the man’s sickbed at the time of the crime and fell asleep.

How does Eppie change Silas life?

Eppie humanizes Silas and brings him out of his shell. Thanks to Eppie, Silas no longer remains trapped in his own little world. And it is because of her that he develops emotional intelligence, which reacquaints him with the values of faith, family, and community.

What is the setting of Silas Marner?

The novel is set in the early years of the 19th century. Silas Marner, a weaver, is a member of a small Calvinist congregation in Lantern Yard, a slum street in Northern England.

Who is the father of Eppie?

Eppie The daughter of Godfrey Cass by a secret marriage. She is found by Silas in his cottage after her mother dies in the snow outside. He raises her as his own daughter. Godfrey Cass Eppie’s father.

What kind of person has Eppie grown to be?

Not only does Chapter 16 show that she is now a beautiful young woman, but that she is very selfless and attentive to the needs of her father, Silas, as shown by her quickness in clearing away the dinner things so that Silas can have his smoke.

What genre is Silas Marner?


Who robs Marner of his gold?

The influence that robs Marner of his gold takes the form of a pair of higher-status men seeking gold to pay off their debts, and Dunsey Cass robs Marner of his gold in his absence, which lays an ‘undefinable dread’ on him initially, foreshadowing his immediate, but undescribed demise in the stone-pits.

Who is the mole catcher in Silas Marner?

Jem Rodney

Where did Silas hide his treasure?

He keeps the coins in an iron pot hidden under the floor beneath his loom, and takes them out only at night, “to enjoy their companionship.” When the pot is no longer large enough to hold his hoard, Silas begins keeping the money in two leather bags.

Where did Silas Marner live?


What does Silas Marner look like?

Silas’s physical appearance is odd: he is bent from his work at the loom, has strange and frightening eyes, and generally looks much older than his years. Because Silas has knowledge of medicinal herbs and is subject to occasional cataleptic fits, many of his neighbors speculate that he has otherworldly powers.

What is the meaning of Silas Marner?

Silas Marner is the weaver in the English countryside village of Raveloe in the early nineteenth century. Like many weavers of his time, he is an outsider—the object of suspicion because of his special skills and the fact that he has come to Raveloe from elsewhere.