How can you tell a female goldfish from a male goldfish?
Male goldfish tend to have more flowing fins and tails compared to females. Male goldfish tend to have a slightly smaller and skinnier body compared to females. Females will have a larger and rounder body and their abdomen can appear soft.
Why does it look like my goldfish is losing scales?
Scale loss is not normal for goldfish. They do not molt. Most often scale loss is the result of physical injury — banging against hard objects in the tank (especially during breeding season) or rough handling. They cannot generate the speeds that regular goldfish can, so scale loss from breeding is less likely.
What are white spots on goldfish?
What is it? White spot is a contagious parasitic disease of fish. Caused by Ichyophthirius multifilis, the parasite infects the fish after moving from the bottom of the pond. The parasite attaches itself to the fish, moving under the skin where it feeds on cells and body fluids.
Why is there white stuff on my goldfish?
“Ich” or “white spot disease” is caused by the protozoan parasite, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, which means in Latin “Fish Louse with many children.” The saltwater form of ich or white spot disease is caused by Cryptocaryon irritans. Both parasites have a complex life cycle that makes them difficult to treat.
Why are my fish rubbing against each other?
If your fish does it this consistently and seems unhealthy, the cause may be poor water quality. If everything is in order, the cause of your fish’s erratic behavior may could be a parasite. If your fish is rubbing himself up against something in the tank, then swimming quickly away, he may have an external parasite.
Can you keep male and female goldfish together?
You are absolutely correct: at breeding time mature male goldfish will develop breeding tubercles that appear as white bumps on the gill covers (opercula) and the rays of their pectoral fins. But nature sorts things out because only female goldfish can lay eggs and only male goldfish can fertilize them.
Why does my fish look like its skin is peeling?
More then likely, its a bacterial infection. Normally they are common after Ich infestations, because when the parasite drops off, it leaves open wounds. which then can get infected by bacteria. I lost a few fish back in august to that way.
How do I treat white spots on my goldfish pond?
Ick or Whitespot is just that––small white spots on the fins and body of your fish. Due to its complex lifecycle, this parasite must be killed with seven-day treatments. On day one, treat your pond with a broad-spectrum remedy such as TetraPond Pond Fish Treatment. Seven days later, repeat after a 20% water change.
How can you tell a fish is stressed?
Strange Swimming: When fish are stressed, they often develop odd swimming patterns. If your fish is swimming frantically without going anywhere, crashing at the bottom of his tank, rubbing himself on gravel or rocks, or locking his fins at his side, he may be experiencing significant stress.