Does multicast go across VLANs?

Does multicast go across VLANs?

Simply enabling the Multicast protocol on one VLAN will work if Airtames and PCs are on the same VLAN but in the case that Airtames and PCs are on different VLANs, the multicast traffic will need to cross VLANs.

Can multicast be routed?

Much like broadcast, there are special addresses designated for multicast data. The difference is that some of these can be routed, and used on the Internet. The multicast space reserved by IANA is 224.0.

What are the 3 different types of inter VLAN routing methods?

Inter-VLAN routing methods

  • Legacy inter-VLAN routing.
  • Router-on-a-stick.
  • Layer 3 switch using Switched Virtual Interface (SVI)
  • For us to subdivide the network into two subnets, we have to create two VLANS on the switch, VLAN10 and VLAN20 .
  • Assign switch ports to the VLANS.
  • Configurations for access ports fa0/1 and fa0/2.

What is multicast VLAN?

Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR) is designed for applications using wide-scale deployment of multicast traffic across an Ethernet ring-based service provider network (for example, the broadcast of multiple television channels over a service-provider network).

What is multicast VLAN feature?

Multicast VLAN feature When Switch A (Layer 3 device) receives multicast data for that group, it sends three copies of the multicast data to Switch B (Layer 2 device). This method saves network bandwidth and lessens the burden on the Layer 3 device.

Which method is used to route between VLANs?

The modern method of performing inter-VLAN routing is to use Layer 3 switches and switched virtual interfaces (SVI).

How do I set up Multicast routing?

To enable multicast routing, from Policy Manager:

  1. Select Network > Multicast. The Multicast Setup dialog box appears.
  2. Select the Enable Multicast Routing check box. This enables the PIM-SM multicast routing protocol globally. You must continue to Step 3 and add multicast interfaces for multicast routing to work.